Advising Hours
Drop-In Hours
Advising Options
Peak advising times are from the beginning of October through the beginning of November and the beginning of March through April. This means meeting with an advisor will be in high demand. Students who cannot find an advising appointment are encouraged to check weekly for new advisor availability or drop in during open drop-in hours.
Important note: Advisors are intricately involved in Summer Orientation programs from mid-May through mid-August, so they cannot consistently hold Advising Hours over the summer.

1. Make an Appointment
You can schedule an appointment with an advisor for detailed or complex topics such as declaring majors, exploring academic options when experiencing academic challenges, etc.
- Log in to Connect
- Click ‘Appointment’ (in the left menu)
- Click ‘Make an Appointment’ (blue button at top right)
- What type of appointment would you like to schedule? Select ‘Academic Advising’
- Service: Academic Advising
- Select a Date that works for your schedule and click ‘Find Available Times’
- Select a Time that works for your schedule (right side of the screen)
- After choosing a time, select the “Location” drop-down to select in-person or virtual (Zoom)
- Provide comments or questions you wish to discuss
- Review Appointment Details and click ‘Schedule’ (bottom of page)
Scheduling an Appointment in Connect How to Video
2. Open Advising Hours (Drop-Ins)
No appointment is necessary for OSDS Open Advising Drop-In Hours. Open Advising Hours are available only when classes are in session. Students will be added to the waiting queue and seen on a first-come, first-served basis by the first available first-year advising team member.
In-Person Drop-In Hours
Monday – Thursday: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM
Steps to Check-In for In-Person Open Advising Hours
- Go to Smith 228 and check in at the Advising Kiosk
- At the Kiosk, type your Student ID in the box and Click Submit
- Select: I’m Here for Academic Advising
IGNORE Message: Sorry some services are not available today at this location.
Please reach out to your Advisor for more information. - Select Option to Wait For The Available Person
- Click Okay, got it!
- Have a seat! Students will be seen on a first-come, first-served basis.
Virtual Drop-In Hours
Monday: 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM (No virtual drop-ins on the following dates: 2/10, 2/17)
Tuesday: 1:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No virtual drop-ins on the following dates: 2/18)
Wednesday & Thursday: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM (No virtual drop-ins on the following dates: 2/19)
Friday: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Steps to Check-In for Virtual Open Advising Hours
- Log into CONNECT
- Once on the “Appointments” page, click “Make an Appointment” (blue button at top right).
- Select “View Drop-In Times” (right side of the screen).
- Under “Service,” select “Academic Advising.”
- Select “Find Available Times.”
- Select the location, Engineering/Engineering Technology (OSDS) Virtual Drop Ins.
- Click “Check-In for First Available.” You can check in for a virtual drop-in session DURING OUR DROP-IN HOURS
Check the meeting comments for the Zoom link for the meeting. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please email
Please Note: The OSDS front desk staff cannot answer specific questions about registration or course requirements.
General First-Year Advising Questions?