Faculty and Staff

Dr. Cathy Blat
Assistant Dean for Student Experiences and Director of OSDS
Gina Robinson
Director for First-Year Advising, First-Year Advisor
Sid Alvis, BSEE; NC PE; Nuclear Plant Design Programs; Human Performance; Continuous Improvement
Professor of Practice, Freshman Advisor, Director of the Leadership Academy
Meg Harkins, M.S. Env Sci, P.E.; Hazardous Waste Management and Remediation Consultant
Associate Professor of Practice and Chair of the Senior Design Committee
Office of Student Development and Success
Shannon Keys
Senior Design Lab Manager
Lisa Lattimore
Lecturer, Director of the Engineering Freshman Learning Community & Advisor
Joan Lemcke
Business Services Coordinator
Kevin Lindsay, M.S. Physics, M.B.A.; Space Telescope Senior Research and Instrument Analyst
Teaching Associate Professor, Academic Advisor, and LCOE MAPS Program Director
Yolanda McIlwaine
Senior Student Services Specialist & Program Coordinator for all OSDS programs
Kenza Mitchem
Administrative Support Specialist
Michelle Prasad
Senior Design Program Manager
Heather Principe
Assistant Director First Year Advising and Academic Development
Linda Thurman; MA, Advising and Career Services
Director for Student Professional Development and Employer Relations; Career & Co-op Advisor