Advising Process FAQs

How Advising Works in the College of Engineering

All W.S. Lee College of Engineering first-year students (including students who attended an Early College or were Dual-Enrolled in college courses) are advised in the Office of Student Development and Success (OSDS) until they successfully complete the freshman curriculum and are moved to their academic department.

OSDS supports students who need to complete foundational courses like mathematics, sciences and introductory engineering, engineering technology, and construction management courses. OSDS helps students to transition smoothly into their engineering majors. Students must complete specific Progression Requirements to matriculate to an engineering, engineering technology or construction management department.

The maximum length of time students are advised in OSDS is three semesters (if starting in the appropriate math course) or four semesters (if starting in a lower math level); not including summer semesters. After this time, students will matriculate to their major department or will transition into another major outside of the W.S. Lee College of Engineering.