Pre-Registration Advising
The Office of Student Development and Success (OSDS) is committed to helping you strategically plan and build the best course schedule, allowing you to progress to your major department and graduation.

Attention College of Engineering Students– Beginning Fall 2025:
The College of Engineering is transitioning to a Common First-Year (CFY) Curriculum, providing all incoming students with a strong, shared foundation in math, science, and engineering principles.
Current students will remain on their existing catalog, but with the launch of the CFY Curriculum in Fall 2025, some courses from the previous curriculum will no longer be offered. No need to worry—substitutions have been planned to ensure a smooth transition for current students.
First-Year Courses Update:
- ENGR 1201 will no longer be offered after Summer 2025.
- ENGR 1202 will be available for Mechanical Engineering and Systems Engineering students in Fall 2025.
- ENGR 1202 will be offered Summer 2025 for Electrical and Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.
- Civil, Computer, Electrical, and Environmental Engineering students must take ENGR 1303, as ENGR 1202 will not be available for their program.
Please plan accordingly and talk with your advisor if you have questions.

Pre-Registration Advising is a designated period during the Fall and Spring when currently enrolled students prepare to register for classes for the upcoming term (Summer included during the Fall). All Lee College of Engineering students must complete advising requirements each term. The advising requirements include modules in the LCOE Pre-Registration Advising Course in Canvas. Additional requirements will depend on the student’s math level.
Using the Academic Plan of Study is important to planning your upcoming semester schedule. The Academic Plan of Study is a visual document that shows the requirements from start to finish. This will not only help you get a better picture of what you need to do and when, but it will also serve as a constant reminder of your long-term goals. Also, the Academic Plan of Study will help you see if you need to make changes or missed anything.

Holds on your account prevent you from registering in upcoming terms. These holds include advising holds and financial holds. Advisors can only lift advising holds. Pre-registration advising requirements must be completed before the advising hold is lifted.
To check the status of your hold

Students receive a scheduled registration time based on the completed/earned (not failed, withdrawn, or incomplete) credit hours, which doesn’t include credit hours currently in progress.
The University Academic Calendar posts the date the schedule is available in Banner.
Registration Videos
Registration Information (Registration Times)
Need captions or what to download for later? Click here to access all videos.
How Do I
View and Authorize or Revoke Title IV
View Registration Status and Registration Holds
View Class Schedule When You Have A Hold
View and Print Enrollment Verification Certificate
Find Withdrawal Credits and Grade Replacements Used and Remaining
Find Math, Writing, and Language Placement Scores
Find Class Schedule With Days and Times
Drop Classes and Swap Out A Class
View and Print Enrollment Verification Certificate
Search and Add Classes (advanced)
Search and Add Classes (basic)
Search for General Education Courses

All students advised in OSDS are enrolled in the LCOE Pre-Registration Advising Course on Canvas. We want all students prepared for registration; therefore, students are responsible for the following before the advising hold is lifted:
- REVIEW all module material
- REQUIRED: Completing five short Comprehension Checks
- REQUIRED: Submitting upcoming course plan

Summer Classes at UNC Charlotte?
Enrolling in summer courses could help you catch up, get ahead, and graduate on time. Courses are offered on campus and online during the summer terms.
Helpful Tips for Taking Summer Classes At UNC Charlotte
- Talk to your first-year advisor
- Be prepared for classes to move quickly
- Remember, course selection is limited
- There is a maximum credit hour limit for Summer Classes
- Undergraduate students may take up to 14 credit hours over the summer term.
- Undergraduate students are not permitted to take more than 7 credits in a summer half-term (i.e., First Half Term or Second Half Term).
Taking Courses at Another Institution?
Transient students are UNC Charlotte degree-seeking students who are taking courses at another college during the summer terms.
What is Transient Study?
Transient students who take courses at another institution and want to transfer the courses back to Charlotte must request the transfer through a process called Transient Study.
- Students who want to take courses at another institution and would like to transfer the courses back to UNC Charlotte may make this request through a process called Transient Study.
- Review the Transfer Credit Advisor for course equivalencies.
- College of Engineering students can only enroll at another institution only during the summer term.

changing or ready to declare a major?
Students advised in OSDS will use the LCOE Change of Major form to declare a major. Choosing a major appropriate for a student’s interests, aptitudes, and career goals is a crucial decision during a student’s academic career.

Advisors are available for in-person and virtual meetings.

Advising Options During Pre-Registration Advising Peak Times
Peak advising times are from the beginning of October through the beginning of November and the beginning of March through April. This means meeting with an advisor will be in high demand. Students who cannot find an advising appointment are encouraged to check weekly for new advisor availability or drop in during open drop-in hours.
Important note: Advisors are intricately involved in Summer Orientation programs from mid-May through mid-August, so they cannot consistently hold Advising Hours over the summer.
Please note that OSDS front desk staff cannot answer specific questions about registration or course requirements.
General First-Year Advising Questions?