Dedicated tutoring for your Freshman courses is free of charge and strongly encouraged! Tutoring is offered in Math, Science, Computer Programming, and Technical Writing. You can also find tutoring in the UCAE, Math Learning Center, and the Physics Resource Center. Schedules can also be found outside of the lounges in Hawthorn.
2024-2025 Tutoring for Learning Assistance
MATH: Calculus Pre-Calculus
Math Learning Center Fretwell 330 appointments available
University Center for Academic Excellence Individual Tutoring or Peer Assisted Learning
The Math Department post selected Back Finals for your study use!
MathisPower4U tutorials
WRITING in all your courses
University Center for Academic Excellence Individual Tutoring
University Center for Academic Excellence Individual Tutoring or Peer Assisted Learning
University Center for Academic Excellence Individual Tutoring or Peer Assisted Learning