Engineering Freshman Learning Community

The Engineering Freshman Learning Community (EFLC) will have an info session at the Open House events and Admitted Students Day events. Applications for the Engineering FLC are accepted mid-February through June 1 at

The Engineering FLC offers students a unique opportunity to start strong on their path to completing their W.S. Lee College of Engineering degree. With the challenge of the rigorous curriculum, the first year of college can be very demanding. We strive to help Engineering FLC participants learn what it takes to achieve excellence with the support of a tight-knit community of persevering students who share common goals and interests.

The Engineering FLC is open to all first-year students (traditional freshmen, transfers, early college and dual enrolled students) who have been accepted to the W.S. Lee College of Engineering. It is a residential program. All Engineering FLC participants live in suite-style housing in Oak Hall for two semesters (fall and spring). Each 4-person suite has two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a living room. Oak Hall has a laundry room, game room and TV area.  Our Creativity Lab is located in Smith Hall (Smith 260).

The Engineering FLC supports students’ success by offering programming targeted to three key areas:

  • Building a sense of community
  • Learning about the engineering profession
  • Developing the skills it takes to be a successful College of Engineering student
  • Building a sense of community

Activities, guest speakers and field trips specifically geared to the young men and women of the Engineering FLC are available and encouraged. Students in the Engineering FLC also take science, math, and liberal studies courses with the general UNC Charlotte population allowing them to develop friendships with students from other majors while living in an environment supporting their success in this challenging program. Examples of Engineering FLC activities include:

  • Creativity Lab tools and equipment free of charge
  • Lab TA to help learn to use the Creativity lab
  • Projects/Design Challenges – where students are asked to design and prototype solutions to a problem, using the Creativity Lab
  • ENGR 1300 – Exploring Engineering and Technology with Success is an introduction to engineering course, exploring the engineering disciplines, sharing metacognitive skills and hosting engineering guest speakers throughout the semester.  
  • Workshops on study skills and professional development skills

The Engineering FLC has a Creativity Lab in Smith 260. The Creativity Lab has 3D printers, a laser cutter, a variety of small tools and robotics equipment, a workspace and a lab TA to help you learn to use the equipment correctly for use by the students free of charge! We will have projects  and opportunities to share your work.