Student Organizations

Email updates to this list to
49er Rocketry and Projectile SocietyNiner Engage: 49er Rocketry and Projectile Society
Instagram: 49errocketry
Facebook: 49errocketry
Twitter: 49erRocketry
Discord Server: UNC Charlotte Rocketry Discord
Linktree: UNC Charlotte Rocketry Linktree
49ers Racing (Formula SAE)General Email:

Niner Engage: 49ers Racing (Formula SAE)
Instagram: 49ersracing
Facebook: 49ersRacing
Website: www.49ers
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Student Branch of the University of North Carolina at CharlotteGeneral Email:

Niner Engage: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Student Branch of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Instagram: aiaa_uncc

American Society for Computational MechanicsNiner Engage: American Society for Computational Mechanics (ASCM)
American Society for Precision EngineeringNiner Engage: American Society for Precision Engineering
National Website: ASPE
American Society of Civil EngineersGeneral Email:

Niner Engage: American Society of Civil Engineers
Instagram: uncc_asce
Facebook: ASCE UNC Charlotte Student Chapter

American Society of Mechanical EngineersGeneral Email:

Niner Engage: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
American Water Works Association-Water Environment Federation General Email:

Niner Engage: American Water Works Association-Water Environment Federation

Charlotte AstroboticsNiner Engage: Charlotte Astrobotics
Fellowship of Christian EngineersNiner Engage: Fellowship of Christian Engineers
Instagram: fce_uncc
Fire and Safety Technologists Niner Engage: Fire and Safety Technologists (FAST)
Facebook: UNCCFAST
Gold Rush RoboticsGeneral Email:

Niner Engage: Gold Rush Robotics
Instagram: gold_rush_robotics
YouTube: @GoldRushRobotics
Website: Gold Rush Robotics
Discord server: Gold Rush Robotics

HAM (Amateur Radio)General Email:

Website: Amateur Radio Club of UNC Charlotte
IEEE-Eta Kappa NuGeneral Contact: Dr. Jim Conrad (Faculty Advisor),

Niner Engage: IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu
Website: IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) at Charlotte
[Power and Energy Society Student Branch Chapter]
General Contact: Dr. Fareena Saqib (Faculty Advisor),

Niner Engage: Power & Energy Society Student Branch Chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) at Charlotte
IEEE Women in EngineeringGeneral Contact: Ms. Nabila (Nan) BouSaba,
Institute of Transportation EngineersGeneral Contact:

Niner Engage: Institute of Transportation Engineers
LatinX of EngineeringGeneral Email:

Niner Engage: LatinX of Engineering
National Society of Black Engineers General Contact:

Niner Engage: National Society of Black Engineers
Instagram: uncc_nsbe
Website: UNC Charlotte National Society of Black Engineers

Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process EngineeringNiner Engage: Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering
Society of Hispanic Professional EngineersGeneral Contact:

Niner Engage: Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
Instagram: shpeuncc

Society of Systems EngineersNiner Engage: Society of Systems Engineers
Society of Women EngineersNiner Engage: Society of Women Engineers
SWE Events Calendar: SWE Events Calendar